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Lítið (LT) Corlinn

Name Race Class Portrait Last Campaign Status
Lítið (pronounced Lee-Tith, translation “Little”) Corlinn Human Fighter Lost Mines of Phandelver Dead from Green Dragon Acid Vomit 🤮

LT Falls in Combat with His Barde Companion by His Side


Noble Background

Feature - Position of Privilege: Thanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to.

Backstory Highlights: Your family is no stranger to wealth, power, and privilege. In the glory days of Neverwinter, your parents were the count and countess of Corlinn Hill, a large estate located in the hills northeast of the city. But Mount Hotenow erupted thirty years ago, devastating Neverwinter and erasing Corlinn Hill from the map. Instead of growing up on an estate, you were raised in a small but comfortable town house in Waterdeep. As an adult, you stand to inherit a meaningless title and little else.

Being the shortest in his family (5'11.9"), Lítið (Lee-Tith, i.e. Little) Corlinn casts a smaller shadow than his noble ancestors. Nevertheless, Lee-Tith carries on the family’s associated traits - dirty blonde hair and green eyes set on expanding wealth and influence. His clothing typically sports the Corlinn color of royal blue, and his ancestral greataxe, Frosinn Brún (Frozen Edge), is rarely out of reach.

Personal Goal: Civilize Phandalin. You were meant for more than being a ruler of nothing at all. Rebuilding Corlinn Hill is impractical, thanks to the volcano. But in the last three or four years, hardy settlers have been rebuilding another ruin near the city: the old town of Phandalin, which orcs sacked five centuries ago. Clearly, what Phandalin needs now is a civilizing influence—someone to take the reins and bring law and order. Someone like you. You’re not the only one with such ideas. A knight named Sildar Hallwinter recently set out for Phandalin in the company of a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker. They plan to reclaim an ancient mine and restore Phandalin to a civilized center of wealth and prosperity. Since your goals align, Hallwinter should be willing to assist you.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral. It’s essential to establish law and order, even if it takes an iron fist to do it. The nobility are bound by honor and tradition to protect their people from both external and internal threats to stability. An organized society leaves no room for evil and chaos to take root.

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