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Tomb of Annihilation Campaign

Compiled Notes for the Tomb of Annihilation Campaign


Name Race Class Portrait Status
Freya Cimrari Human Monk Alive 😀
Virra Wildwander Tabaxi Fighter Alive 😺
Norixius Rezena (Rez) Dragonborn Paladin Alive 😀
Pan Galanodel Wood Elf Druid Alive 😀
Skógur Strákar (translation Forest Lad) Wood Elf Monk Alive 😀

Session Notes

Session One

Note that this first Session notes aren’t as well rounded as the others but may provide some insights.

Level Setting the Campaign

Baldurs Gate

Quest for the Phylactery

Skull Door Encounter


Second Door

Notes from Pan Galanodel

End Notes

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Session Two

Learn from the Lich

Mind Your Manor

Pan Satyr Background

To the Inn

Hit the Showers

Retail Therapy (Round 1)

Ahoy Matey

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Session Three


We’re on a Boat

Arrival in the Port

Exploring the Port

House of Repose

Speaking with Eku

Speaking with Gnome Tinkerer

Speaking with Inete

Back at the Table

Getting Ready to Head Out

Back to the Streets of Chult

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Session Four

The Chase is On

Retail Therapy (Round 2)

Executioners Run - The Runnining

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Session Five

Thunder Dome at the Thundering Lizard


Post-Game Like We Won the Championship Game

Take a Load Off Baby

The Morning After

Jessamine Golden Toilet Throne

Golden Throne


Let’s Go to the Beach Beach

To the Flaming Fist

After Liara Hits Skates

Ring My Bell ( 🎼 Ring My Bell 🔔)

Gabbing with Qawasha (Druid) and Kupalué (Veggietales)

Making Our Way Down-Chult

Notes on Vegepygmies

A potential undead attack is happening as we hear someone screaming for help in the distance. More adventuring to come next week!

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Session Six

Back, Back to Port Nyanzaru-ooh

Malar's Throat

Test Your Might, Skill Challenge

When You Call My Name it’s Like a Little Prayer

Tales of the Crypt

Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats

50 Dead Rats on the Floor, A Mouth and No Idea What to Do

Hit em’ in the Mouth

Legend of Zelda, Water Temple on Steroids

Playing the Slots

Two Monks, a Dragon and some Kids Walk into a Swim Up Bar

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Session Seven

What’s that Sound?

Sewer with Dark Vision On

Knock Knock It’s a Dragon


What’s in the Casks?

Do it for the Kids

House of Repose, You still here Undril?

Check in on Gramps

I Want To Ride My Dinosaur

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Session Eight

Run the Jewels and Get Ready (The Session I Couldn’t Read My Hand Writing)

Peoples, Places, Things

TODO: Complete the Notes for this Session

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Session Nine

Jungle Preppin’

Welcome to the Jungle

Oh Lord They Chargin’

Deadly Sight Seeing

Grungus Amongus

The Grungs

Deez What?

Deez Wukka Nuts

A large snake like character appears and starts to lunge at the party! More Next Time!

Things to Note!

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Session Ten

My Anaconda Don’t Want None

Jaculi Snek

Love Boat?

Pigs Do Fly

Pterafolk, what a bunch of Pricks

Where’s the Holiday Inn?

Party Like There’s No Tomorrow

Ivan Ooze and His Gang of Goo Men

Bring out the White Knights

MVP of the Session Is... Weed! Otherwise known as Kupalué

White Knight Spirit Guardian in Low Resolution


Will the Party survive the night?

Will they ever get a Long Rest?

Will Skógur ever find true love?

Tune in Next Time to Find Out!

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Session Eleven

🤙 Camp Righteous! Righteous! 🤙

Northern Chult Rivers

When in Doubt, Produce a Flame

Nah, Wasps. As they Begin to Buzz up to the Party Combat Begins

‘Cause Now I’m Finna WASP

After the Wasp War

It Ain’t Over

How Bout that Long Rest?

Bundle Up! It’s Day 4

We’re a Red Vines Family


Tales of the Crypt With Qawasha

Head Spider Artist Depiction

Whose Mans is This?

I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

Spooky Specter Ghost

Spirit Fingers

Day 5, Not So Righteous

Uh Oh

Ravaged Camp Righteous

Big Ol' Gator Shrine

What will happen in the Shrines of Camp Righteous? What new abilities await when hitting Level 3? Tune in Next Time to Find Out!

Things to Note!

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Session Twelve

Let Me Upgrade You (featuring Jay-Z)

With Level 3 comes some upgrades! Here are a few highlights






Swear that Was a Gator Around His Neck

NOTE: Your humble narrator was mistaken before about what the Gator-Person statue was. It is indeed a Crocodile-Person statue (Crikey!).

Is it Safe?

Spider Pan, Spider Pan, Does Whatever a Spider Pan Does

We Got This

Lockpicking Lawyer(s)

Pan and Her Scythe's

We Don’t Got This

Tier Two

Time To Say Goodbye


Gotta Double Strap This Backpack

Tier Two Fire Pit

Mind Giving Me a Hand?


Room Behind the Fisting

The Most Unathletic Athletes Ever

Fire Burning on the Dance Floor

Nothing to See, Move Along

Leaving the Crocodile Shrine

As the party exits the shrine Goblins with Wooden Masks come out of nowhere shooting mad arrows and being totally unchill.

How Many Traps can the Party Set Off Next? Will They Survive the Onslaught of Arros and Goblins? Tune in Next Time to Find Out!

Things to Note!

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